Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Greyhounds and the Weather

Greyhounds need special care when comes to the weather.

Greyhounds are unlike other dogs in many ways.  Their apearance is sleek as they are streamlined for speed with nearly no body fat and a very thin coat.

It is their lack of a shaggy coat along with almost no body fat that creates a very serious danger in cold or rainy weather.

This is why we created our special greyhound race coats that are built with a removable lining.

read more here - Greyhounds and the Cold

Two Retired Greyhounds Bragging

A greyhound joke

A greyhound joke
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Two retired greyhounds hanging around the Agua Caliente Greyhound Race Track and Casino were feeling a bit cavalier.   The brindle greyhound stated that he won every race that he ran at Caliente.  

"Is that a fact," said the fawn greyhound in a questioning manner.  Not to be over and done so fast, the fawn answered, "Well, that may be however I hold the fastest time ever at Caliente."  

Just then a horse walked up and with a conceded character he said "you guys are nothing, I won the Triple Crown three times." At that the greyhounds responded "would you look at that a talking horse."

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Everfast Greyhound Race Coats - Flames

Everfast Greyhound Race Coats - Flames Everfast Greyhound Racing Coat - Flames o range Flames On Blue sku-fl0001 This ...